Tue, Sep 22, 2020 | 2.30p.m – 3.00p.m (CST)


Tue, Sep 22, 2020 | 2.30p.m – 3.00p.m (CST)


Processing of TPEs & Troubleshooting

How to solve the problems of processing technology and faults during processing and production? How to control quality more effectively?
In this meeting, we will focus on the processing of thermoplastic elastomers and its troubleshooting guidelines. This web-seminar will provide an overview of factors influencing surface appearance of an injection molding part. Gain valuable insights on how to get a good adhesion with hard plastics.

Session Highlights:

  • KRAIBURG TPE : A Brief Walkthrough
  • Processing of TPE and troubleshooting guidelines
  • Factors influencing surface appearance of injection molding part
  • How to get good adhesion with hard plastics



Join our web-seminar today, click the link below to register. The web-seminar will be held in Mandarin.


Besides, we are having another web-seminar on 21st September 2020, 2.30p.m – 3.00p.m – ‘DISCOVER KRAIBURG TPE INNOVATION’, we look forward to your active participation.

Make sure you are part of it.

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