出版物: 29. 十一月 2021 最後更新: 12. 六月 2024

THERMOLAST® H TPE for medical device applications for the Asia Pacific region

Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) are gaining popularity in medical device applications due to their high purity, durability, recyclability, and other vital properties and features.

THERMOLAST® H is created to deliver high-quality material solutions, specifically for the Asia Pacific healthcare and medical device markets. It meets the Cytotoxicity ISO 10993-5, GB/T 16886.5, China GB 4806 – 2016, US FDA CFR 21, Regulation (EU) No 10/2011, and REACH and RoHS, as well as a variety of global food contact and medical standards.

Comfort and ease of use
Technology in medical devices must deliver user-friendliness and easy operation. In addition, they must also be ergonomically-driven for manual dexterity while ensuring control and comfort when using them.
KRAIBURG TPE’s THERMOLAST® H is the ideal material solution for medical equipment, thanks to its excellent haptics and soft touch surface. It can be used for buttons, handles, grips, and other medical device applications.

More benefits at hand
THERMOLAST® H series compounds have excellent compression and sterilizability when autoclaved at 121°C, EtO. They come in a variety of hardness, ranging from 30 to 90 Shore A, with optimizable processability. Moreover, the translucent compounds can be colored to achieve a variety of chromatic effects. 



29.11.2021媒體包用於 THERMOLAST® H TPE for medical device applications for the Asia Pacific region

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